Saturday, October 1, 2011

i gotta get a hobby

So this morning I was wasting time on the internet. I fiddled around on facebook for a while. Although I must confess I'm a bit nervous ever since I heard about the IT guy on the radio who compared FB to BIG BROTHER.

Then I spent some time on pinterest. But you can only "pin" so many sarcastic, odd, ridiculous quotes to a board before you get bored!

Then I checked my email but no one had written me today - not even the online pharmacies! 

You tube was fun but seriously, talking dogs and epic fails are only entertaining for the first 23 seconds.

I even joined an online discount shopping club!

And then I remembered I hadn't been shopping on etsy for a while. 

All in all I wasted a good hour or two just messing around and losing brain cells. Then I stumbled on to a blog about a big metal chicken and from there things just went downhill. I roamed around some "mommyblogs" and then some "nasty-mommyblogs" and finally just plain "stupid-mommyblogs". 

This has got to be a little bit what crack cocaine feels like. Deep down you know you shouldn't but you just can't help yourself.

I finally hit on something that just made me press ESC! 

I don't know if this would do it for everyone but  finding this little treasure on the lamest blog ever!! helped me to realize I needed to step away and definitely find something else to do (like maybe scrub a toilet, or make banana bread or ANYTHING but internet surfing!!!)

Seriously, who in their right mind BUYS a trike at the thrift store and then heads over the the extrememly overpriced, high end, quilting/crafting/fabric store to buy fabric to WRAP said tricycle??!!! ......And then takes a picture and proudly displays this lapse in sanity for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!!!

My head hurts just looking at this!

I think I'll try reading a book. 


  1. I couldn't agree more, I find a lot of that kind of stuff on pinterest too. I knew the "DIY" craze had gone too far when I saw some DIY taco seasoning. ?!!? I'll tell you what I do myself- buy a vat of taco seasoning from Costco for 4 dollars!!!

  2. haha mom i wish i woulda read this 3 hours ago...since that's how much time i've wasted on pinterest today. in my defence though, i found some pretty sweet paraphernalia from my childhood! ok...i'm gonna go put clothes on now...

  3. Hey I read the blog about the big metal chicken and it seriously made me want a great big metal chicken.

  4. Surfing the internet takes up a good portion of my boring morning...too bad it is a complete waste of time.
