Wednesday, October 26, 2011

adventures in...romance?

I've never been particularly romantic. That's just the way I am. I let the people I love know they are loved regularly with words and occasionally with a token but I'm not one of those girls who lives for flowers and chocolates and I'm certainly not laying awake at night dreaming up "romantic" encounters. I like to think I'm genuine and sincere in my relationships and that those who are important to me "get it."

I'm married to a hopeless romantic. ugh...that's just the way it is. My man is always dreaming up ways to make me feel special and he REALLY tries. Full points for effort.

A few days ago I was particularly busy at the office. There was a lot happening; phone ringing, people coming and going, orders being given by the man in charge. I was working hard and really trying to manage the chaos and keep my wits and sense of humor.

Suddenly there was a guy at the counter with a brown package that looked like flowers.
"Can I help you?"
"Delivery for Lorri Smart."
I hastily thanked him for the package and stowed it under the counter.

A few minutes later the receptionist said, "That looks like a package of flowers. Shouldn't you see who they're from and take care of them?"

I grabbed the package and hurried back to the lunchroom to investigate.

Sure was a dozen roses, in desperate need of a vase and water. The roses also came with a card.

I smiled, put the flowers in water, noted that I am married to a great guy, and said to myself, "...must thank Wally for the lovely sweet."

Then I went back to work. And it was a busy afternoon... When it was time to leave, I rushed out of the office to another pressing engagement and abandoned my roses (with the exceedingly romantic card) in the back room.

I actually never gave the flowers another thought. I had a number of things on the "go" that day and didn't arrive home until probably 9:30 pm that night.

As we were getting ready for bed, Wally leaned out of his bathroom and casually asked, " Did you get a delivery this afternoon?"

"Huh? At the office? Were you expecting something?" I answered vaguely.

"Ya," he replied sullenly, "Maybe some flowers?"

"Oh Honey, THE ROSES were lovely! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed with as much emotion as I could muster in such a tight spot.

As I was desperately trying to remember what I'd actually DONE with the roses, Wally came out of the bathroom and approached me with open arms. "Good thing I found them as I was cleaning up and brought them home for you, right?"

(thanks Wally, love you...)


  1. Oh Dad is just such a sweet guy. Seriously I think you two win the prize for the best marriage ever!! Major points for the doctor!
