Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i miss the fashion police

I could always count on the Fashion Police to help me get dressed in the morning. It's been so hard since they all got married and moved out. Every morning I choose my outfit and then silently wonder if the girls would approve.....

This morning I had done a pretty good job of getting myself put together except for my shoes. I just stalled. It's been a long, cold winter so pretty much every morning I knew I would wear the black boots or the other black boots. But this morning promised warmer weather and sunshine so I thought I could branch out from the boots; but what to choose? I was having such a hard time deciding.

In the past I would put on a couple of different shoes and then just ask the Fashion Police which one? Problem solved in thirty seconds or less, guaranteed.

But with the girls all gone, I was left to my own devices and so I thought I'd wear the shoes around the house this morning just to see which one looked best. As Wally was busy getting dressed he glanced at my outfit and muttered something about how I should remember to put on matching shoes. I was busy getting lunches ready and in a hurry to get out the door myself so I made a mental note to change my shoes and carried on getting the dishes done.

"You should wear the dark shoes," he reminded me as he was leaving the house.

I once drove to the high school in my slippers to drop off a lunch. I've worn my apron to church a couple of times but that's always a quick fix. (just take off the apron and leave it in the car)

This morning was little more complicated.

I'm sure you all get the picture; cruising down the highway towards Lethbridge, slowing up through Welling where the speed limit changes, glancing down at the spedometer, realizing I was still wearing the mismatched shoes. Of course I was a little late getting to work but I was well dressed-

I miss the Fashion Police!

1 comment:

  1. bahahahahaha i literally am rolling around on the floor with laughter. you are hilarious!!
