Thursday, December 8, 2011

the camera shy little logan

Logan's had a rough week. His little lungs simply can't do what they need to do these days. The monster ventilator is a big help but the aprehension over his lungs is a little overwhelming.

I had been puttingoff posting so I could report he was fan-tab-u-lous but I thinkt hat report will have to wait. Right now, he's a trooper; trying his best to get the whole breathing thing mastered.

On the bright side; he is growing. (over 2 pounds now) And so many of his other systems appear to be working just fine. He pees through his teeny diapers so that means the kidneys are working. He also poops like a goose which means he's digesting the milk and those bowells are in good condition. (He'll be so embarassed to learn that we were so excited about his bodily functions!) His little eyes pop open a few times a day but he squeezes them tight shut again. He must not like what he sees. He squirms and wiggles and makes faces. But the funniest thing about Logan these days is that he's totally camera shy.

any time i try to photograph him, Logan puts his hand
over his he's trying to escape the paparazzi

That's all ok, though. As Logan continues to try to breathe, I'll simply continue to try and get a photo of his perfect little face or various body parts.

diana determined that logan's foot is just a little smaller
than her thumb...

mom tucking him in nice and tight for the night


  1. I must admit my little bean is stinking adorable!! Keep breathing little man. Mommy loves you!

  2. I've been a little worried since I haven't seen an update in a couple days. Poor little duck, keep on fighting! And hey, be happy his arms work, even if he is hidding from you! :)

  3. Thanks for the update. Hang in there. We're thinking of you and cheering Logan on. Way to go, Diana, for feeding Logan so well that he "poops like a goose"!
