Monday, July 23, 2012

I was Scooped!!

I was driving to Calgary on July 6 and I stopped in Claresholm to buy gas at the Shell station. That's a pretty normal thing for me to do. But as I was filling up my "patty-wagon", I was suddenly aware that things were not particularly "normal" this sunny Thursday morning...

The gal next to me filling up her VW Bug was having a hard time keeping her cowboy hat on and her short, flippy skirt kept blowing up her legs as she shifted from one booted foot to the other. It was hard to hold on to her skirt, hat and pump gas at the same time. It looked plain odd.

Then I heard a clickety clack behind me as another middle aged, mini-skirted, cowboy booted woman tripped her way into the building. 

Just as I was finished gawking at her progress across the pavement a truck load of young women in short shorts, tube tops and COWBOY BOOTS pulled up across from me and piled out of the cab laughing and whooping as they called "dibs" on the toilet.

"What the heck?" and then it dawned on me...Calgary Stampede. These women had to be heading to the stampede. There was no other reason for grown women to be out in public dressed like this...unless they were headed to a hooker convention.

I immediately began to formulate my next blog head was filled with ideas mostly centered around the theme of "how and when did stampede morph into "dress like a hooker week"? I was so inspired, I actually sent a text message to both Sara and Ben about my observations.

And then I got busy and the blog was put on the back burner and I got totally and completely scooped by my 20 something daughter who is even sassier than me.
check out:

She totally scammed my idea and posted some fantastic photos of "trampeding" which I completely endorse. 

So another strampede has come and gone and I seriously wonder if the cowboys from 100 years ago would even be able to recognize the rodeo if they dropped in on this modern outdoor spectacle. 

Thankfully, my family didn't get the memo about baring it all in the name of all that is cowboy so I have some g-rated photos to include.

Happy Birthday Calgary Stampede! ...and many more (?!?)

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