Thursday, February 16, 2012

resistance is futile

granny and little logan

Everyone knows I'm a low key trekkie. I think Gene Rodenberry was nothing short of genius and he really had a great imagination when it came to the universe and all those alien life forms.

the queen of the borg from
star trek: the next generation

The other day when I arrived at the Lifeship, I was a little surprised to see Logan sporting a new IV connection and it was coming out of his head! As Katie so cleverly explained; the "cranium vein is very pronounced" so it's a good choice when trying to inject medicines intravenouly. ( or assimilate the human beings into the "collective" baha)

...and i couldn't help but think of the borg!

Logan looked like he'd definitely been tampered with. He actually scratched his face until it bled as he was trying to pull out the IV. What a fighter!

But the IV antibiotics have done the trick and Logan is definitely on the upswing. Go Logan!

logan sleeping like a log after his
afternoon bottle; just a trooper.

Logan's doing well. He's moving out of the lifeship and heading for the mothership in the very near future! And we couldn't be more pleased.

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