Tuesday, March 15, 2011

what was i thinking?!

This winter has been particularly cold and dark.

I have had a hard time getting warm at night, in spite of my electric mattress heater being set on MAX. When I finally am able to sleep comfortably, I have been having a hard time making myself get out of bed and walk around in the cold, dark world in the morning.

Yup! morning in my bathroom reminds me of a meat locker....

So the other morning as I was snuggled under the covers, cuddling with my favorite guy something just didn't seem right. I gave my head a little shake and tried to pull myself out of the deep fog of sleep. At first I thought it was just a bad dream but then I realized the noise was coming from outside my bedroom window and it was WAKING ME UP!

I wasn't ready to wake up and I was quite irritated by the noise and grumpd to myself, "Stupid Bird! Shut up, you stupid bird!"

Suddenly I was wide awake! What was I thinking? If there was a bird singing outside my window, chances are it was NOT 40 degrees below 0 outside. Birds don't sing when it's 40 below; birds don't sing at all in the cold, dark winter. The birds leave town!

There actually might be a light at the end of this cold, dark tunnel.

Sing on! little bird. I'm glad you're back!

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad it's getting warmer for you guys. hopefully it'll stay that way so i can miss winter completely!
