1. That stupid bird was singing again this morning.

2. The gophers have popped out of their holes. They are everywhere! And they haven't got their street smarts yet. I counted 27 squashed on the highway from Lethbridge to Magrath tonight. Gross; but a sure sign of spring.

3. All the houses that were for sale before Christmas but removed the signs when the snow got too deep have signs up again! Yay! Everyone knows real estate picks up in the spring!

Let the greening of the landscape begin. I'm ready.
MOM! You blog so much I can't keep up!! I love all your posts and I love you! You did the best with what you had and I think all your kids are kinda ok. No worries! And if I had a dollar for everytime a stupid bird woke me up this past month I would have enough to buy a gun and shot...I mean 'shoo' them away!