I am having a little fun reflecting on my own silliness these days. With all the children grown and on their own, I have had time to take a look at myself and basically I like what I see. Occasionally, I will have one of those "ah ha" moments and realize that I've been struggling with an issue for a long time. Some of those moments have happened in the last few weeks as I realized that I have always been a worrier; I often have too much good advice to share; and I'm basically lazy and disorganized. I have good intentions but just never quite get the big projects started (or finished for that matter). I also cut my own hair, nibble hangnails, scratch at scabs, and definitely can't leave a zit to run its full course. I have been trying to lose 10 pounds for 20YEARS!
My only recourse for these behaviors over the years has been to try and save my daughters the pains associated with these goofy things. The fact is I KNOW that alot of the goofy things I do or say are just that - GOOFY and I know I'd feel better if I could break these bad habits.
So over the years, as I recognized my own silliness in my own children, I did my best to discourage them from following in my crazy footsteps. "Don't cut your own hair" "Quit nibbling your nails" "Leave that alone" "EATHEALTHY" "exercise" "don't touch your face" "Just get started on that." "Finish what you start" and so on and so on and so on......
So this one's for my girls; I did the best I could and about the only thing I can say at this point as I've confessed and you've been disappointed is
I think I know we're all doing the best we can and I'm REALLY sorry about my contribution to your DNA.
I'm a mom. I love my kids. I love my life and I love how easy it is to just carry on, let things go

and eventually "get over it!"
fine. i'll move on. but i worry excessively because of YOU!