So this afternoon I was driving Angela around Ottawa. She's a fantastic navigator and we were able to run the errands without incident; that is, until the incident in the Superstore parking lot!

We'd loaded the groceries and the baby into the car. I was easing the yaris out of the parking space after conscientiously checking the mirrors and all my blind spots when the little car just stopped moving. It was like I bumped into something.
"What the heck is back there? What did I run in to?" I asked Angela, half joking / half confused.
Angela answered matter of factly, "It's a car Mom. You backed into a car - IN MY CAR!"
And so there we were, two grannies in small cars backing right into each other in the Superstore parking lot. Surprisingly NOT FUNNY for me but apparently hilarious for the handsome dude in the really great suit that caught the whole thing on his cell phone video camera.

"That was really funny, Ladies. I watched the whole thing happen. I yelled at you to stop but you didn't hear me. hahahahahaha"
The other granny just rolled down her window and asked if there was any damage to be concerned about, (which there wasn't) and drove off. Angela and I stood there looking for a moment at the unscathed bumper and shook our heads at the guy who'd taped the whole thing and carried on our way.
The moment we were in the car, Angela text messaged her dad back home in Alberta.
"I'm never letting MOM drive my car again."

Bahaaa... I seriously don't even bother to look anymore. I am afraid what I might see...