Monday, March 5, 2012

daddy's can be so funny!

This afternoon Dylan was holding baby Kara while she napped. She was sleeping soundly and Dylan was enjoying the daddy/daughter time. Suddenly Kara started WIDE AWAKE! Her eyes were wide open and she was "YELLING!"

Dylan tried to console her but it was pretty clear what she wanted.

Angela came stumbling out of the bedroom, obviously awakened by the commotion out in the front room.

Dylan turned Kara so she could see her mom and exclaimed excitedly, "Look Kara! It's your mom...and she brought your milk!"

Dylan's hilarious and mother and baby are doing fine.

kara sound asleep 15 minutes later
nothing like warm milk to help you sleep

1 comment:

  1. Ah if only it were that simple at this house. Poor Dylan...his life would be complete if he could just
