But there is a funny story about "the surgery team". These guys really are a TEAM. They travel around the hospital together and sort of march in unison as they go. They wear matching uniforms (you know, the surgical scrubs-not the cute scrubs) and carry notes everywhere they go.

The day after the surgery, "the team" came by to check on Logan. "He looks great," they beamed. "We did a great job!" (Smiles and high fives all around.)
The next day, it was pretty clear that Logan wasn't feeling well. He was uncomfortable and those private parts (below the diaper line) were SWELLING... Logan's nurse suggested we call the surgeons back. They arrived and promptly dismissed our concerns. "I'm confident it's irritation from the diaper..." said the captain with a smile as his team nodded conclusively. "He'll be fine."
The nurse winked at Diana as the team marched away. "They'll be back. They won't want Little Logan to mess up their statistics."
By Sunday night things were definitely deteriorating. Logan was swollen right out of his diaper and not happy about eating or sleeping or anything... (RED, HOT, SWOLLEN, ROCK HARD and SORE) The team conceded that it could be an infection and perhaps a broad spectrum antibiotic might be in order. That meant an IV. Then came the morphine, the feeding tube and the really, terrible, horrible day that put everyone on edge- (including the team).
By Tuesday night the repair and the cranial IV had provided some relief. The team all nodded in agreement that Logan was on the mend and they had, in fact, done another awesome job. "Hey but wait a minute," Diana exclaimed plaintively. "You're the ones that thought it was diaper rash. Don't be so smug." The captain replied smugly,"Oh, I'm sure it was initially. But he's doing great now. No worries."And the team marched off to deal with another pressing surgical matter while Diana sat shaking her head and muttering something like, "sure Dude; diaper rash; whatever."
BUT what a difference a day makes! (and broad spectrum antibiotics, combined with draining and irrigating the wound). Logan was feeling so good by Wednesday morning that the feeding tube was removed and his regular bottle feeding resumed. He slept well and cooed appropriately for all the caregivers to enjoy. The neonatoligist came by this afternoon and said, "That's how he's supposed to look. Good job, Logan. You'll be outa here in no time."
(unless of course there's another little hiccup)

little logan looking a little more like himself this afternoon

little logan enjoying some cuddles
logan drank his whole bottle and passed out
for almost a full four hour nap;perfect
yay! i'm glad now, not sad anymore. haha
ReplyDeleteI will be glad when his man parts are back to the normal baby size and not so 'manly' He is 6 lbs for goodness sake and I am sure 2 of those pounds came from below the belt...poor thing. He is pretty darn cute and tough though!
ReplyDeleteWhat a tough fighter! Glad he's got his Grandma back with him. Boy are his cheeks getting chubby, go Logan!