When Logan first arrived, it was difficult to truly understand his size. Weighing in at just under 2 pounds and only 13 inches long, we knew he was tiny but how tiny is that?

When Diana and I went shopping in the "Baby Boutique" a few days after Logan's birth we found the perfect tiny toy for the perfect tiny boy. And we proceeded to measure Little Logan "by duck".
little logan measured 3 ducks long and
about one duck wide

"the duck" looked like a sizeable
toy next to our tiny boy
Imagine my surprise when I saw Logan man handling the poor little duck the other day! It would appear that the duck has shrunk considerably since we purchased him.
go Logan...
Truth is; Logan has grown! The duck remains small and Logan is turning into a little slugger. He's almost 6 pounds and getting longer every day! Yay, Logan!
How wonderful to watch an amazing wonder in your own family. I hope you always keep that Duck and measure him by it before he leaves on his mission in 19 years :)