Everyone who knows me, knows I love Santa Claus! As Christmas approaches I get more and more excited anticipating Santa's visit. I'm a true believer and I'm always thrilled when I meet another Santa enthusiast.
Last month when I was visiting Little Logan I had the opportunity to attend church with Grayson one Sunday. That Sunday I met a man who loves Santa as much as I do. He told the story of a little boy named Kelvin who lived in a large city in California many Christmases ago.
Kelvin was a well loved, curious, bright six year old. He was figuring out life as best as his little six year old brain would allow and the whole discussion surrounding "Santa" and Christmas got him to thinking. He may have even had an older sibling who encouraged him to question the existance of that "jolly old elf."
So Kelvin determined that he would find out for himself whether or not Santa was real. He came up with a fool proof plan. When his mother asked him if he'd decided what he was going to ask Santa Claus to bring that year, Kelvin boldly announced that he knew exactly what he wanted for Christmas but that he would only be telling one person what it was. And the person he would tell? Santa Claus, of course.
The next weekend Kelvin and his mother made their way to the big Macy's downtown where Santa held court every season. Kelvin waited a long time in a long line for his opportunity to visit privately with Santa. When it was finally his turn, Kelvin hopped up on Santa's knee. The noise and commotion of the season just sort of faded away and it was Santa and a boy with serious business to attend to.

Santa was not even surprised when Kelvin whispered very quietly that the only thing he really wanted for Christmas was a Bible. Santa was actually quite interested in the request and asked Kelvin a number of questions about the Bible. Did Kelvin want a big, old leather bound family Bible that had pages to record a family tree? Or did he want a small one he could carry in his pocket? Santa even told Kelvin about a Bible that had all the words that Jesus said typed in red ink! Kelvin didn't even know you could get one like that. They discussed the Bible and decided what kind would be best for Kelvin and then Santa gave the boy a squeeze and sent him on his way with a "HO-HO-HO, Merry Christmas!"
And Kelvin never told another living soul what he and Santa Claus had talked about...
Christmas morning arrived in sunny California. Kelvin and his brothers and sisters excitedly pounded down the stairs to see what Santa had left for them! There were balls, sports equipment, a bike, toys and stockings overflowing with Christmas goodies. For a split second, he thought to himself, "I should have really asked for a ball." But as his eyes fell on his stocking and the gift resting beneath it he knew he'd made the right choice. On the floor beside his stocking was the Bible - the EXACT Bible he and Santa had discussed.

There may have been other surprises that day but nothing more satisfying than the knowledge that Santa is real and Christmas will always be a time of miracles.
Merry Christmas!

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