There has been more than a few enquiries regarding the actual size of Logan and his duck. So this morning, once we were sure he was breathing again, we took a moment to assess and photograph just so everyone can visualize what little Logan would look like compared to items at your house.
As you can see, Papa arrived this morning and was able to come and see Little Logan. Mr Duck measures 4 inches top to toe. For the younger generation that's 10 centimeters.
So while Diana was changing his diaper this morning she laid Mr Duck up against Logan, for comparison. Logan is a hair over three ducks long and right around half a duck wide.

Diana is the bravest mom on the planet
and doing really well in the diaper changing
and loving department
And Logan is one tough little nut. Last night he was too tired from all the breathing he's been doing and he decided he wouldn't do it anymore. Plus the little shortcut from the heart to the lungs that is allowed to be open inutero has stayed open since he made his early arrival. It's called a PDA and it has caused some problems with both his heart and lungs. It has to close up or things won't work out for Logan in the breathing and growing department.
So this morning Logan earned a run on the ventilator (to help him breathe), antibiotics (just in case it's aninfection wearing him down) and the special medicine to help close up that PDA. For all my friends who actually understand this situation, forgive me for not explaining the medical stuff correctly. All I know is that today is a better day than last night and that we love this Little Logan with all our hearts!! Breathe on, Buddy!
Of course Diana is one brave chick! Keep on lovin that little guy! (Not that you would ever stop...) What a little fighter! GO LOGAN!!!!