The other day I had to run to the bank at lunch time so I set off on the two block trek in downtown Lethbridge. There are often a few odd things to see at that time of day downtown but what I'm about to describe wins the prize for ULTIMATE "stupid human trick".
I saw two guys chatting on the sidewalk about half a block away. From a distance, it looked like they were just out having a smoke. (did I mention it was -22C ?) I thought the one guy had some kind of amazing i-pod system because I could see these wires going from his ears way down and around his body into a back pack that he was wearing.

As I approached, the whole scene became just a little surreal. I gave my head a shake and tried not to stare as I walked by, eyes wide and mouth gaping in disbelief. The dude with the wires was actually hooked up to an oxygen tank that he was conveniently carrying on his back in the pack. The "wires"that I thought were for his sound system were actually those silicone tubes that wrap around the ears and then deliver oxygen to the nostrils. And yes, he was smoking a cigarette. I'm not kidding-

Can you spell "KA-BOOM!!!"
some people's kids...i tell ya