I generally try to look for the good in everything and try really hard not to let life in general infringe on my perky, sassy attitude.

For those of you who don't know me well, that would be the glass half full! I pride myself on being able to see the bright side of anything.
But this week has been different.
I'm overwhelmed with worry and anxiety and wondering just how many nights in a row the "super sleep" supplement will really work...The bottle says that after six nights you should really consult a physician. What's that all about?! I live with a physician and when I consulted him, he told me to quit worrying and I'd sleep better. baha

So I'm hard pressed to find anything funny or light to blog about and it's kinda making me blue.
I worry a lot and usually can see how silly my worries are but this week has just slammed me. I am more thankful than ever for my family but really need some perspective to get back on the happy track.
First Sara and Co. got robbed when Angela and Dylan went to Hawaii to visit. That was definitely NOT on the itinerary and made a short visit less than relaxing. Travelling through four or five time zones for a long weekend just to lose your identity, your sunscreen (that's why they came home pink) and your pants (poor Dylan- what kind of robber steals pants?) definitely tops the list for bad vacations. Dylan and Angela were good sports however, spending one whole day driving around the north shore visiting creepy pawn shops in search of Sara's stolen engagement/wedding ring set. Apparently property crime on the north shore is not nearly as sexy as depicted on Hawaii Five O.

So I have been tired and I have been working hard at the office and I have been trying really hard to be a good mother to adult children and I was starting to relax a bit; understanding my limitations and determining to just do the best I can...
....when I got word that our good friend, Ladelle, was killed in a car accident coming home from Kalispel after a weekend of skiing with family.
Wally and I have known Ladelle for years and our two families have become quite intertwined through that time. Ladelle's mom, Lois works in our office for Dr. Rampling. She's been a friend and a support through all the ups and downs this family has experienced. Her husband Stan is a contractor who has done work on our house and he's employed my son and son-in-law over the years. We went to Ladelle's wedding just a couple of years ago where he married Candace who has also been a part of our family circle. Diana lived with Candace for a time and Angela had classes with Candace all through university. Learning of his unexpected and unnecessary death (charges are pending against the trucker who slammed into them) was just one more reason not to sleep well and question, question, question what this is all about!
So it's Sunday morning and I'm still just kind of numb and BLOCKED over how to be sassy and carefree after the week's events. So I've decided there's a list of things to be thankful for and perhaps that will help me get back in the swing of things.
1. I'm thankful for good kids and more thankful for the people my children have married! My girls are married to a collection of the 4 best men on the planet. These guys take goood care of my girls and love them no matter what. (even when they do dumb things) My son has married probably the nicest girl in town who manages him with a skill the other women in the family haven't quite figured out yet. She's awesome!
2. I'm thankful for a husband who reminds me all the time that I can't fix everything so worrying about it is probably a bad idea. He keeps me grounded.
3. I'm thankful for relationships that can survive family feuds, robbery, tradegy, foolishness and everything in between. We really only have each other.
4. I'm thankful Ladelle's wife, Candace, (pregnant with their first child) walked away from that horrific accident. I guess we can find that "half full" moment if we look for it.
5. And actually when it's all said and done, Diana's extreme pain and discomfort as a result of an irresponsible tanning booth attendant turns out to be a hiccup instead of something that will keep me up for nights on end; although I'm pretty sure it's keeping her up. Hang in there Sweet Pea! (can't you sue? you live in America for crying out loud! that's gotta be worth something.)

So it's Sunday morning and it's been a tough week but writing it down helps a bit with the BLOCK and the anixiety and the bucketful of emotions I have been struggling with.
I'll carry on....in no particular order
I'll keep going to work and working hard. I'll go to a funeral this week that will wear me out but I'll remember the happiness in this tragedy. I'll send Sara and Angela new ID and credit cards as they arrive. I'll feel bad for Diana and the sunburn. I'll think about Angela and Dylan moving in freezing rain and wish I was there to help (but deep down be glad i'm not) I'll text all my kids every day (because I can) to tell them I LOVE them. I'll be thinking of everything that's going on- students studying, people moving, people moving on and life just happening; mostly out of my control.
And I'm not going to worry about it.

great post mom. it really has been a rough week for us all! if all else fails, just drink 2 cups of nyquil and call it a done deal...you'll get at least 14 hours of out-cold sleep!
ReplyDeleteNo wonder I feel like a mess. I experience the exact same worries and questions!! It has been a tough week and despite all that happened the sunburn was the least of my worries. Ah well! Just keep chugging I guess. We need to figure out how to post that we have updated our blogs on fb. I think we would get more of an audience then!