I have weighed the same for about 15-20 years now. My doctor will tell me that being able to maintain a "healthy BMI" is a sign of good health, strong body, etc. etc. She has also been telling me for 15-20 years now that I could lose some weight ( as I hover at the "upper end" of the healthy range) to optimize my health prospects as I age. (and boy...am I aging...)
I've blogged about my adventures at BOOT CAMP.

I LOVE Boot Camp and love my instructor / trainer. Laura's Boot Camp is awesome and I never felt better than when I was working out with Laura early in the morning. But I never lost weight.
I even enlisted the help of a "building healthy lifestyles" coach. Clayton is also awesome. He has been telling me that I'm doing everything right! Healthy food choices, exercise and a good attitude are all important BUT I still weigh the same.
When I was in Portland for that month, perched on a stool by Little Logan's life ship for 10-12 hours a day, I swear I could hear my fat cells rejoicing. Greasy hospital food, stress, inactivity all combined in a perfect storm for some serious weight gain. I worried...I ate...I took sleeping pills and ate some more. I never once worked out.

i'd watch logan for a while and then walk down to the
hospital cafe-not much of a workout...
And then I came home for Christmas knowing full well that I'd be heading back to Portland after a few days of Christmas turkey and Christmas chocolate so I did not even look at the treadmill or the yoga mat. I even put the bathroom scale in the back of my closet because I just didn't want to know.

chocolate and me
However, we're home again. It's a new year and I thought it was time to quit being such a chicken. If I want to be one of those fun Grannies that all the kids love to play with, I'd better be able to do a flight of stairs without the threat of cardiac arrest. So I got out my "healthy eating" calendar, cook books, etc. I dusted off my treadmill and recarged the batteries in my DVD player. (can't walk/run on the treadmill without some entertainment). I even carried my weights and yoga mat down to the exercise room. (i'd hidden them in the closet too).
Everyone is so excited about Logan gaining weight. He's pretty much DOUBLED his weight this last month.
I decided it was time to see where I stand in this little game of pounds and ounces. I dug the scales out of the closet. peeled down to my underwear, held my breath and climbed on.

Now I own a pretty hi-tech bathroom scale. It has four different settings so four different people can track their weight. It actually remembers my weight from the last time I stepped on. It will record my weight for today and then it will flash what I weighed last time. So I sucked it all in and opened one eye to see what the scale said. "That's not soooo bad...." I thought as the weight registered on the electronic screen. "If I didn't know better, I'd guess that's pretty close to what I weighed before I left for Portland." Then the weight from November 10 flashed across the screen.
Yup. I guess in this case being STUCK is not a bad thing. I haven't lost any weight. But hey, I haven't gained any either. So in the end, the status quo works for me. Happy 2012, again.
And yes, I think I'll get back to eating healthy and exercising right after I get back from Five Guys.

mom, that friendly photo of you and a box of chocolates made be die from laughing. perfect caption and all. you are so funny.