I stopped off at the store before work this morning to pick up more rubbermaids. Now that all the kids are married and on their own Wally and I have set out on a quest to reclaim our house and make it our own "kid free" space.
As I was headed back to the truck, with half a dozen 68litre (those are the big ones) plastic containers I met an old dude with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. He grinned as he looked me up and down and then he asked, "Planning on doing some storing?"
I smiled and reported, "I've got to get those kids OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
Without missing a beat, he laughed, cocked his head and with a twinkle in his eye he replied, "You sure they'll fit in there?"
You do realize that at some point you'll have GRAND children in your house and all that carefully reclaimed space will become arenas of fun!!