About a year ago I decided I needed to work a little harder to be a little healthier. I signed up for "Boot Camp" and started exercising regularly with Laura, the best fitness instructor for miles. While attending Boot Camp I learned about "Clayton", the Building Healthy Lifestyles Coach at the Raymond Clinic. I got a referral and started visiting with Clayton regularly.

I think I've always known that physical health is really all about weight and I learned a long time ago that weight is all about "calories in" vs "calories out". And I know that calories are all about choices! So I began this journey to lose the "last ten pounds" with my eyes wide open and a pretty good, realistic attitude.
At my first visit with Clayton we talked at length about numbers-an area in which I'm not particularly gifted. But it looked something like this:
1. I was 48 years old the first time I visited with Clayton.
2. I have given birth 5 times.
3. When I got pregnant at age 20, I weighed 125 lbs.
4. My weight was hovering 155 lbs. for about the last 5 years.
5. That's 30 extra pounds in 28 years- just over 1 pound per year...or
6.... a mere 6 pounds per baby! It didn't look that bad when I looked at it like that. (Unfortunately, I did look that bad and it was time to do something about it.)
7. To lose that weight I would need to lose 1 pound per week for 30 weeks! I could be back to babe-o-licious in less than a year! (30 weeks -7 months and change- February 2011 be exact)
8. To lose weight I would need to exercise about 150 minutes a week; or take 10,000 steps a day or decrease my calories to about 1100 per 24 hours.
I was determined to do it and set off with enthusiasm. I loved Boot Camp. I've always been a morning person so 5:30 am worked out well for me and I loved being outside in the early morning. Everything was fresh and cool and the workouts were tremendous. I experienced a couple of firsts last year at Boot Camp. I actually got to the point where I could do two minutes of push ups effortlessly and then I pulled a muscle doing sprints one morning. I've never worked hard enough to pull a muscle-EVER! It was a new and exhilarating experience for me. And my body was feeling awesome. I looked better and I lost some weight over the summer-about 5 pounds.
And then I stalled! And I stalled hard. Week after week I would head off to Clayton's office to weigh in and week after week I weighed the same give or take a few ounces.
Winter arrived with a fury and as it got colder and the snow got deeper I decided I could not go to exercise class anymore- too early and too cold. Then I decided I couldn't visit with Clayton anymore either. There was Halloween candy, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to contend with. I was just done. I would eat healthy and walk on my treadmill but all that other extra work was hardly worth the 5 measly pounds I'd dropped.
So spring has arrived; I'm down 5 pounds from last year but SERIOUSLY?! 5 pounds...so I headed back to Boot Camp and over to see Clayton.
I had finally broken the 150 mark around Christmas time and on my scale at home weighed in anywhere from 147-149 on any given day. Last week when I visited with Clayton, he laughed right out loud as he looked at my numbers.
He explained, " Weight is generally very dynamic. It goes up and down during the day-sometimes there will be as much as a four pound difference in one 24 hour period."
But not me. I have weighed EXACTLY the same each time I've stepped on that high tech scale since the beginning of the year; regardless of the time of day or my eating habits. I've had cake for my birthday and I finished off all my nieces' Valentine treats and chocolate Easter bunnies.
That's 6 visits in the last 4 months and absolutely NO CHANGE in my weight. So it really didn't seem to matter if I ate hershey kisses for breakfast or stayed in bed through my exercise class. My weight is stable. That's a nice way of saying "stalled"!
So if ever there was a reason to be discouraged or unmotivated, this has got to be it. But I will carry on in my quest for the acceptable BMI; right after I finish these Doritos.
(to be continued...of course)
i think you look good all the time, but it is crucial to stay active and be healthy. you must just be wearing too many clothes every time you step on the scale...that has GOT to be it!
ReplyDeleteOh dear. Maybe I shouldn't have spent another $100 on a personal trainer since I have your body type almost exactly...there may be no hope for us!