Thursday, April 7, 2011

inspired bloggers all!

My daughter Sara is the one who showed me that blogging could be my thing. She's creative and funny and I think she gets that from ME.

Sara's also always had a pretty good eye for fashion. (That might be because she looks like a super model) I have always counted on her for her "policing" skills. (see last weeks blog- I miss the fashion police). So I wasn't surpirsed when she mentioned to me that she might like to try her hand at a fashion blog.

At first I was alarmed. There are so many of those and they are all basically the same, boring funny-looking, twenty something, skinny chick taking bad pictures of herself. ( note my maternal disdain at the very idea). I tried to discourage her and then relented, understanding how much she loves CLOTHES. (This from a kid who ran around naked in the backyard until she was 5!)
Sara fashionably attired for her ninja demonstration
stripes on top/solids onthe bottom/ color mixing

The post wasn't bad. It had a touch of "saranizing" and I appreciated her referencing my 4-H fashion from 1977. But then I thought to myself. Sara really hadn't showed off her best creations and how she's able to pass on her fashion skills to everyone around her.

Sara last summer as "Avitar"

Jessi as "Avitar"

Now that's more like the Sara we all know and love. She has a lot of fun and she knows how to dress for every occasion. And she's passing those skills on to her fan club. (note Jessi's spots with print combination-I think her tail had fallen off by the time Diana snapped the photo)


  1. No lies...we have known and now understand why Sara is the favorite! Thanks to my camera for the last three photos...I have mad skills that way...kinda...

  2. i'm glad i have somewhat restored faith in my generation, mom! trust me, not all of us 20-somethings insist in frowning and pouting in every photo, and you know my concerns about this "kissy face" epidemic that seems to be going around. some of us do have a humble dose of self-esteem...we're just in hiding...

  3. aw, glad she led you into the blogging world!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons
    Follow Me!
