I am old enough to remember when the phrase, "Have a nice day!" was coined and people started using the greeting in every day conversation and especially in business interactions. I initially thought the greeting was a bit lame but over the years, I've gotten used to it and even found myself saying those words to people with whom I have casual interactions. It's harmless and virtually meaningless so "whatever..."
Lately, however, I'm increasingly BUGGED by something I've heard a few too many times while out and about in the world running errands and doing business.
Yesterday was the last straw! I went to the Bulk Barn to buy some Christmas treats and was loading my $$$47 worth of candy corn (seriously, it doesn't seem like that much when the sign says 3 cents per piece...) in to my reusable shopping bag when the girl at the till mumbled, "ya, have a good one."

My mind was still trying to compute the outrageous cost of colored sugar when it was assaulted with that meaningless phrase! The guy at Mr. Lube had said it to me earlier in the week and I'd smiled. The adolescent at Five Guys Burgers and Fries had cheerily waved good bye with the same phrase the night before but this Bulk Barn Barista put me over the edge.
I looked her squarely in the eye and said in the calmest voice I could muster, "A good one of what? a good seizure? a good sleep? a good laugh, lunch? a good bowel movement?! What should I have a good one of?!!!?"
Clearly confused, she stared at me for a moment and then cast her eyes down and said, "sorry" TRANSLATION: "What the heck is your problem, Lady? I'm just pushing buttons here."
Yes, I confess my buttons were pushed. But my work for the Language Police was done so I took my candy and continued on my way to have a "good drive" home and a "nice day".
kids these days...i tell ya!
ReplyDeleteFOR SHAME...coming from the woman who immediately picked up the most tackiest of all habits in the texting world. I am so done with the little fake hearts that you send (does it even look like one? NO)and I am so far over the little abbreviations that most of the time I ignore them. So blame that poor phrase on texting and the fact that everyone has just gotten too lazy to say the whole thing or call someone instead of text or send a real live heart (of chocolate) by snail mail. Give the poor gal a frickin bone! PS I DO Heart YOU...I can't even figure out how to make the fake one!