This year I worried about the upcoming event for days, anticipating getting "messed up" and feeling awful. Then I agreed to attend an early morning church meeting Sunday morning after springing forward the night before. I refused to attend a meeting feeling groggy and out of sorts; I wanted to be alert.
I needed a plan.
I decided to use pharmaceuticals to beat the clock...I was going to make myself go to sleep an hour earlier on Saturday night and wake up Sunday morning refreshed and ready to go.
I took the drugs around 8 pm Saturday night, set all the clocks in the house forward an hour, kluncked right out and slept soundly all night. It was miraculous. I had a fantastic Sunday and did not even notice that lost hour.
I went to bed Sunday night confident and pleased that Monday morning would find me ready for the day and I was not feeling even little bit messed up.
Everything went according to plan and I was sort of smug about how well I had managed the time change this year.
I don't need to be in the office on Mondays until noon so I use Monday mornings to do a little housework and run a few errands. I watched the clock and organized myself to get out of the house so I could do a "few things" before I had to be at my desk.
So I stopped in and visited briefly with a couple of ladies as I was leaving town. Then I took the recycle to the depot as I was driving into the city. I messaged my daughter-in-law to let her know that I would be dropping off some items that had been left at my house. She asked if I'd pick up a Booster Juice on the way (she and the boy had not been feeling well-that would really help). Sure thing. I headed over to Booster Juice, then dropped off a load of clothes at Goodwill and picked up the dry cleaning before heading over to drop off the "juice".
I checked the clock in my car all along the way to make sure I was timing each of my stops to arrive at the office on time.
I thought it was a bit odd to meet my son at his house at 11:30 in the morning when he's usually not home until 12 for lunch but he said he had to be heading back in a few minutes so I assumed he'd taken an early lunch to check on the wife and child.
I jumped back in my car, pumped with all I'd accomplished that morning-with time to spare. As I was driving up to the parkade, my clock said 11:40 and I rationalized that I had time to zip over to Michael's to pick up an item I'd been wanting all weekend. So I did.
I pulled into the parkade at 11:53 and marched up to office. Whew. 11:56 (according to the clock above my desk) as I opened the door.
My job on Mondays is to bring lunch for 12 noon and catch up with the doctor and get ready for patients arriving at 1:00pm.
The patient scheduled for one o'clock this Monday is usually early for appointments. We've come to expect that but the thought I had as I came through the door was, "I know they like to come early but this is RIDICULOUS!"
I set out the lunch in the lunch room and went to my desk to get things opened up for the afternoon. Then the next scheduled patient walked through the door....
And then it hit me! I wasn't tired or groggy but I was definitely a full hour late for work.
Dazed, and slightly confused I had to confess that Daylight Saving Time 2015 had once again found me MESSED UP!
I guess there's always next year.....