Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Adventures at Work?!?

When I started university I dreamed of a job downtown in a nice office in a highrise with a great view!! Then I met Wally....

I did finish university but I also got married and settled in to being a wife and mother which I  believe is the BEST job in the whole world!! And I love that job!!

However, over the years it became apparent that in addition to managing the house and the kids I also was very good at managing my husband - not just at home but professionally as well. And as the children grew, I sort of eased into a nice position at "the office". 

So it's been about 15 years now that I've been "working" for my husband. And he has a nice office in the highhest highrise in town with big windows and a great view. Some days I can't believe how lucky I am and how dreams can really come true.

And I love my job!!! 

I've also worked very hard to keep it professional over the years. I always refer to the boss in a professional manner: "The Doctor... Dr. Smart... my boss..." And I never behave in any way that might seem too familiar for a formal setting.

As a result, I now have a collection of experiences that I simply have to laugh outloud about. So I thought I'd share.

A while back Wally and I volunteered to bring fried chicken to a family potluck so we drove over to KFC after work to pick up a bucket. I walked in the store and marched up to the counter to order chicken when I realized I didn't know what we really wanted. The last time I was inside a KFC, it was called Kentucky Fried Chicken and the colonel was still alive. So I turned around and called back to Wally who was waiting patiently by the door, "What kind should we buy?"

The cute little KFC costumed girl behind the counter made eye contact with "the dr." at the back of the store and smiled sweetly. Then she looked me up and down and asked quite seriously, "Are you two dating?"

The 17 seconds it took me to check her name tag, look her in the eye  and realize that I actually knew "Brittanee" from the doctor's office played out in slow motion as I formulated my answer. 

I smiled and said, "Him and me?! Ha Ha, we're not dating, Honey. We're married. And we've been married for a looong time. We're too old to date!"

Britanee gasped in surprise and went on about how I should wear wedding rings and how she never would have guessed......and I loaded up my chicken and promised to see Britanee soon "at the office," while the doctor and I giggled all the way home. 

Shortly after the KFC incident, another busy day at the office found me scheduling a follow up appointment for a long time patient named Aimee. Aimee has been coming to see the doctor since she was 5 years old and we've gotten to know Aimee and her family quite well over the last ten years. I was chatting with Mom about my upcoming trip to Orlando, FL explaining that the office would be closed and "we" would be visiting Disneyworld for the first time. 

Mom leaned right in and put her hand up to her face as she whispered, "Are you married to that man?" She motioned with her head toward the doctor's office. I nodded and winked in the affirmative and Mom exclaimed, "Oh that's a relief!! Dr. Smart told me he was going to Orlando for the first time and I certainly didn't want his wife to find out he taking his receptionist on the trip!! Whew!! Who knew? haha" 

She laughed nervously and wished me a bon voyage as she hustled out of the office. 

Of course, there have been many instances where "the doctor" has been spotted in the company of that blonde woman from the office in restaurants, movie theaters and shopping malls. But he takes it all in stride and introduces me as "his wife" when we are out of the office.

The other day we skipped over to Costco during lunch to pick up some copy paper. It is difficult to step into Costco and pick up just one item so as we were wheeling towards the checkout I started putting a few household articles in the cart. I was loading the humungous bags of splenda as one of our "moms" walked by with her cart. She glanced at the doctor and I and exclaimed, "You two even do your shopping together?!" 

I gave her a wry smile and explained, "We do everything together," and with a wink and a grin I added as I was passing by, "We even live together...."   hmmmmm

Occasionally the doctor and I enjoy a fun, quiet, private moment during the day. When we are the only people in the office, it is easy to remember that we are actually husband and wife and we love being together. 

There was that time when Wally came out of his office and hovered over my shoulder as I was busy on the computer. He often comes out and checks on the schedule or any messages I may have for him so I thought nothing of his presence. Then he gently placed his hand on my shoulder and said in the kindest, most thoughtful way, "I am such a lucky man to have such a beautiful wife." 

I was flattered by the compliment and turned my chair to face him and thank him for the kind words when I noticed my top button was undone. I smiled warmly and then aghast, asked, "You were looking down my shirt, weren't you?" 

He smiled wryly, tossed his head,  did a funny little skip and as he closed his door responded glibly "Ya, so? Whatcha gonna do about it?"

So when it's all said and done, I have a lot of fun working for my husband. And the job does come with its own set of perks probably not found in traditional office settings. 

I have been known to give myself a day off here and there. And I do know that I probably won't get fired if I make a mistake or come in late once in a while. My boss is very forgiving and kind and easy to work for. 

However, I think my "situation"was best summed up by the receptionist who works for the doctor we share office space with. 

I breezed into work one day about 45 minutes late. I smiled broadly at Lydia (the receptionist)  and the waiting room full of women and chirped out a cheery "Good Morning!"

Lydia glanced up from her typing, eyed the clock on the wall and in her best dead pan replied, "Well...It's certainly easy to see which one of us is sleeping with the boss."

Yup. I love my job.