He was so inspired by the book that he insisted I join him in his quest and bought me the PINK version; Younger Next Year for Women.
It's been all fun and games since then as Wally and I try our hands at different kinds of activities. I've enjoyed my treadmill and even had not bad luck with the bowflex and yoga classes. But I have come to realize that even though my husband is very athletic, and I have given birth to five athletic children who in turn, have married athletes; I simply CANNOT keep up - or at the very least "UPRIGHT".
You will recall my adventures with winter sports over the last 18 months or so. First the nasty fall on the cross country skis. Then came falling off the trail, and subsequently halfway down the mountainside, while snow shoeing in the pristine wilderness of Kananaskis country. I lived to laugh and tell the story but it was less funny in the moment.
Two springs ago Wally and I bought kayaks. Of course we bought sturdy, flat bottomed, lake kayaks to enjoy some stress free paddling on Emerald Bay in Wateron Lakes National Park. That went really well until I tipped my boat just below the Prince of Wales Hotel as I was trying to get back in. Cold, wet but undeterred, I commited to continue to TRY to keep up with Wally.
When Wally wanted to try cross-trail bikes, I joined in. I was sized and set up on a beautiful SPECIALIZED (that's the brand name) cross trail bike designed for light road biking and the occasional rougher trail / terrain.
I really like riding my bike. It's been fun to go on a bike ride after work and I even use it to go get the mail or buy food at the grocery store up town. I can be seen peddaling around town late at night with my nieces to use up extra energy.
So when Wally suggested we try something a little more challenging, I was up for it! After all, I can ride a bike. I couldn't see any problems with going bike riding.
I'm sure you know where this is going.
We loaded up the bikes on the back of Patty the Pathfinder and headed to Waterton. It was a beautiful sunny day and the trail we'd decided to try was one I am familiar with. The "Snow Shoe trail" up in the Red Rock Canyon is a trail I've hiked a few times. Everytime I have hiked it, I always stepped aside for those folks riding by on their bikes. It's not steep, it is well used and I knew I could manage the trip. And Wally assured me that we could ride faster than any bear could run. (I'm a little afraid of being eaten by a bear but I manage)
The ride was really great. I was enjoying the wilderness and my skills were complemented by my trail appropriate bike. I thought to myself, "This is fun and I can even keep up with Wally."
I actually sped past him once on a little climb, feeling very athletic indeed.
We stopped for a drink and a granola bar about 5 km in and I reported that I was really enjoying myself. I felt good and I was glad we'd chosen to come out today. Shoud we carry on? or turn back?
We decided to go all the way in, which is about 8 km. I knew we could and jumped on my bike entusiastically. I was so rocking that whole "younger next year" theory. "I am old, active and strong." I thought to myself as I peddled on with glee.
As we came around the next bend I saw another dry creek bed. We had peddled through three already and each time I had felt a little unstable going over the rocks. I'd made it thus far unscathed but determined that I was getting a little tired and maybe it would be smart to walk my bike through the rocks.
I slowed down and watched Wally peddle through and then decided I really would get off and walk...no point in taking unnecessary risks at my age.
I remember stopping my bike at about the same time I started to call out to Wally, "I'm going to walk through..." Then my whole world simply tipped right upside down!!
I felt my left arm, then my hip and finally my head hit the ground. I actually heard my helmet "klunk" and then I just laid there.
"What the heck happened?!" was the only thought that came to mind. I hadn't even been peddling and now I was flat on my back in the middle of a pile of rocks and YES; there was PAIN associated with this.
So I can now add "falling while cycling" to my repertoire of athetic mishaps.
this is the picture i took of wally
after i got my camera out from underneath
me and my bike. (the camera was in my
backpack which ended up on the bottom
of the pile) i wanted to make sure it still worked
this is me...upright again and still smiling;
but that is kind of a wincing smile because it
REALLY hurt to fall in slow motion on a
pile of rocks!
It's a new day. The throbbing pain in my left arm has almost subsided. My hip and back are slowly working back into alignment and the pain in my neck will go away eventualy. The only thing that really bites about the whole story is that I don't bruise all that readily so in spite of the pain and the tenderness, I really don't have much physical eveidence to document my misadventures.
And I will "gear up and carry on".
If I can't be "younger next year" I can at least provide consistent, predictable entertainment for my family and friends. Have a happy day!