Last month the kids got together, pooled their meager resourses and gave Wally and I a box of cash for Christmas. What a great surprise!

They had really thought this through and it was so fun to have some money in the bedside table that we could spend on anything! We have a few fun trips coming up and I thought the best thing to do would be to use the $$$$ for fun money. I was excited to not have to save up for the fun I wanted to enjoy later on. I thought it was a great idea.
After Christmas, we got busy getting ready for "the wedding" so I sort of forgot about the cash and got busy with the festivities.
The night of celebration arrived. Everything went smoothly and we were winding down the family dinner with a few speeches when I got ANOTHER huge surprise! Wally gave his little "tribute to the bride" and was just heading back to his seat when he said, "O my gosh, I almost forgot-all my girls got diamonds this year except for my favorite girl." and then he pulled a little white box out of his jacket and offered me a

So while I'd been busy making pies and getting ready for the party, Wally had taken the cash and bought me a ring. (Angela had alerted him to the 10 diamond band the day she saw it.) What a guy! And what a great bunch of kids. I'm so lucky!